Huwebes, Enero 26, 2017

Heating and Air Conditioning Considerations for Pet Owners

heating and air conditioning leesburgHVAC systems can be affected by the presence of pets, but systems for heating and air conditioning leesburg can also affect the lives and well being of animals in the home. Some special considerations are in order so that an optimal relationship and scenario can be preserved. Regular HVAC Maintenance is Key One of the top considerations for homeowners who are pet owners in terms of their heating and air conditioning in Leesburg is the potential effect of pet hair and dander on their heating systems. The presence of an overload of these substances from multiple pets can cause air filters in the systems to become clogged much more quickly. Pet owners should check the filters in their HVAC systems at least once per month to ensure they are not clogged with pet hair and particulates.

heating and air conditioning leesburgNot doing so could compromise the functioning, efficacy and effectiveness of the HVAC system. The air in the home could become dirty and filled with allergens and particulates that could compromise health and safety, especially for those family members who are prone to allergies. The buildup of too many particles in the HVAC system could also lead to longer term problems down the road, including reduction in efficiency and mechanical breakdowns. Regular maintenance can help to offset these effects. Optimizing the Home Environment for Pets The placement of animal cages for smaller animals like birds, reptiles and rodents can be crucial to their continued health and well being. Cages should never be located directly in front of or too close to a heating or air conditioning vent.

heating and air conditioning leesburgAny persistent draft – warm or cold – could be a problem for some animals. Take precautions to ensure pets are kept at the optimal temperature for their well being. Setting systems for heating and air conditioning in Leesburg on a timer is an effective way to ensure the home’s temperature is kept consistent for animals around the clock and around the year. Remember that fans can cause a draft, and too much heat can be a problem for some animals as well. Of course, this varies depending upon the type of animal. While birds can have particularly sensitive systems, tropical birds love to be kept in a warm environment. Many reptiles favor warmer temperatures as well.

Pet owners looking to optimize their heating and air conditioning in Leesburg must be aware of some key considerations regarding animals. Taking appropriate precautions will help to enhance the life of both their pets and their HVAC systems.